MeSH 搜索器

Complement Fixation Tests

Serologic tests based on inactivation of complement by the antigen-antibody complex (stage 1). Binding of free complement can be visualized by addition of a second antigen-antibody system such as red cells and appropriate red cell antibody (hemolysin) requiring complement for its completion (stage 2). Failure of the red cells to lyse indicates that a specific antigen-antibody reaction has taken place in stage 1. If red cells lyse, free complement is present indicating no antigen-antibody reaction occurred in stage 1.
树号: E01.370.225.812.735.150, E05.200.812.735.150, E05.478.594.760.150
MeSH 单一 ID: D003168
  • Complement Fixation Test
  • Fixation Test, Complement
  • Fixation Tests, Complement
  • Test, Complement Fixation
  • Tests, Complement Fixation
  • Conglutinating Complement Absorption Test
  • Complement Absorption Test, Conglutinating
  • Conglutination Reaction
  • Conglutination Reactions
  • Reaction, Conglutination
  • Reactions, Conglutination

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