MeSH 搜索器

Spatial Regression

Methods used to take into account and incorporate spatial autocorrelation and regional variation into regression analysis models of data that has spatial dependency, and also to provide information on the spatial relationships among the variables.
推出的年份: 2016
树号: E05.318.740.750.862, E05.318.740.933.375, N05.715.360.750.695.825, N05.715.360.750.746.375, N06.850.520.830.750.862, N06.850.520.830.933.375
MeSH 单一 ID: D000068916
  • Regression, Spatial
  • Regressions, Spatial
  • Spatial Regressions
  • Geographically Weighted Regression
  • Geographically Weighted Regressions
  • Regression, Geographically Weighted
  • Regressions, Geographically Weighted
  • Weighted Regression, Geographically
  • Weighted Regressions, Geographically
  • Regression Analysis (1996-2015)

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