Pretectal Region
Region of midbrain tectum located posterior to the THALAMUS and anterior to the SUPERIOR COLLICULUS.
推出的年份: 2015
树号: A08.
MeSH 单一 ID: D066250
- Pretectal Regions
- Region, Pretectal
- Regions, Pretectal
- Pretectum
- Pretectums
- Pretectal Area
- Area, Pretectal
- Areas, Pretectal
- Pretectal Areas
- Nucleus of the Optic Tract
- Olivary Pretectal Nucleus
- Nucleus, Olivary Pretectal
- Pretectal Nucleus, Olivary
- Nucleus of the Pretectal Area
- Principal Pretectal Nucleus
- Nucleus, Principal Pretectal
- Pretectal Nucleus, Principal
- Sublentiform Nucleus
- Nucleus, Sublentiform
- Mesencephalon (1964-2014)
- Tectum Mesencephali (1964-2014)
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