Pudendal Nerve
A nerve which originates in the sacral spinal cord (S2 to S4) and innervates the PERINEUM, the external GENITALIA, the external ANAL SPHINCTER and the external urethral sphincter. It has three major branches: the perineal nerve, inferior anal nerves, and the dorsal nerve of penis or clitoris.
推出的年份: 2012
树号: A08.800.800.720.450.680
MeSH 单一 ID: D060525
Nerve, Pudendal
Nerves, Pudendal
Pudendal Nerves
Perineal Nerve
Nerve, Perineal
Nerves, Perineal
Perineal Nerves
Inferior Hemorrhoidal Nerve
Hemorrhoidal Nerve, Inferior
Hemorrhoidal Nerves, Inferior
Inferior Hemorrhoidal Nerves
Nerve, Inferior Hemorrhoidal
Nerves, Inferior Hemorrhoidal
Inferior Anal Nerve
Anal Nerve, Inferior
Anal Nerves, Inferior
Inferior Anal Nerves
Nerve, Inferior Anal
Nerves, Inferior Anal
Dorsal Clitoris Nerve
Clitoris Nerve, Dorsal
Clitoris Nerves, Dorsal
Dorsal Clitoris Nerves
Nerve, Dorsal Clitoris
Nerves, Dorsal Clitoris
Dorsal Nerve of Clitoris
Clitoris Dorsal Nerve
Clitoris Dorsal Nerves
Dorsal Penile Nerve
Dorsal Penile Nerves
Nerve, Dorsal Penile
Nerves, Dorsal Penile
Penile Nerve, Dorsal
Penile Nerves, Dorsal
Dorsal Nerve of Penis
Penis Dorsal Nerve
Penis Dorsal Nerves
Penis (1967-2011)
Perineum (1969-2011)
Urethra (1969-2011)
Urinary Bladder (1967-2011)
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