MeSH 搜索器

G1 Phase Cell Cycle Checkpoints

Regulatory signaling systems that control the progression of the CELL CYCLE through the G1 PHASE and allow transition to S PHASE when the cells are ready to undergo DNA REPLICATION. DNA DAMAGE, or the deficiencies in specific cellular components or nutrients may cause the cells to halt before progressing through G1 phase.
推出的年份: 2012
树号: G04.144.109.249, G04.144.500.320.500
MeSH 单一 ID: D059585
  • G1 Phase Checkpoints
  • Checkpoint, G1 Phase
  • Checkpoints, G1 Phase
  • G1 Phase Checkpoint
  • G1 Cell Cycle Checkpoints
  • G1 Phase Restriction Point
  • G1 Restriction Point
  • G1 Restriction Points
  • Restriction Point, G1
  • Restriction Points, G1
  • START Cell Cycle Checkpoint
  • G1 Cell Cycle Arrest
  • G1-S Phase Cell Cycle Checkpoint
  • G1 S Phase Cell Cycle Checkpoint
  • G1 Phase (1992-2011)

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