MeSH 搜索器

Lipid-Linked Proteins

Proteins that are covalently-linked to lipid molecules or hydrophobic molecules such as those that contain prenyl groups. The lipid moieties aid in the association of the proteins with CELL MEMBRANES.
推出的年份: 2011
树号: D12.776.543.484
MeSH 单一 ID: D058635
  • Lipid Linked Proteins
  • Lipid-Anchored Membrane Proteins
  • Lipid Anchored Membrane Proteins
  • Membrane Proteins, Lipid-Anchored
  • Proteins, Lipid-Anchored Membrane
  • Membrane Lipid-Linked Proteins
  • Lipid-Linked Proteins, Membrane
  • Membrane Lipid Linked Proteins
  • Proteins, Membrane Lipid-Linked
  • Lipid Anchored Proteins
  • Anchored Proteins, Lipid
  • Proteins, Lipid Anchored

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