Intermittent Urethral Catheterization
Insertion of a catheter into the urethra to drain the urine from the bladder at intervals as needed.
推出的年份: 2011
树号: E02.148.947.500, E05.157.500.500
MeSH 单一 ID: D057928
- Catheterization, Intermittent Urethral
- Catheterizations, Intermittent Urethral
- Intermittent Urethral Catheterizations
- Urethral Catheterization, Intermittent
- Urethral Catheterizations, Intermittent
- Clean Intermittent Catheterization
- Urethral Self-Catheterization
- Self-Catheterization, Urethral
- Self-Catheterizations, Urethral
- Urethral Self Catheterization
- Urethral Self-Catheterizations
- Urinary Catheterization (1975-2010)
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