MeSH 搜索器

Microbial Interactions

The inter- and intra-relationships between various microorganisms. This can include both positive (like SYMBIOSIS) and negative (like ANTIBIOSIS) interactions. Examples include virus - bacteria and bacteria - bacteria.
推出的年份: 2010
树号: G06.550
MeSH 单一 ID: D056265
  • Interaction, Microbial
  • Interactions, Microbial
  • Microbial Interaction
  • Cooperative Behavior, Microbial
  • Behavior, Microbial Cooperative
  • Behaviors, Microbial Cooperative
  • Cooperative Behaviors, Microbial
  • Microbial Cooperative Behavior
  • Microbial Cooperative Behaviors
  • Competitive Behavior, Microbial
  • Behavior, Microbial Competitive
  • Behaviors, Microbial Competitive
  • Competitive Behaviors, Microbial
  • Microbial Competitive Behavior
  • Microbial Competitive Behaviors

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