MeSH 搜索器

Tumor Protein, Translationally-Controlled 1

A highly expressed protein in tumor cells, encoded by Tpt1 gene. It's involved in various cellular activities including protein synthesis, calcium-binding, MICROTUBULE stabilization, growth, and cell survival. Also, Tpt1 identified as a direct target gene of P53 tumor suppression.
推出的年份: 2022(1985)
树号: D12.644.360.963, D12.776.476.941, D12.776.624.720
MeSH 单一 ID: D000090324
  • Tumor Protein, Translationally Controlled 1
  • TPT1 Protein
  • Protein, TPT1
  • Histamine Releasing Factor, Lymphocyte-Dependent
  • Histamine Releasing Factor, Lymphocyte Dependent
  • Protein P23, Ehrlich Ascites Tumor
  • Histamine Releasing Factor
  • Factor, Histamine Releasing
  • Histamine-Releasing Factor (IgE-Dependent)
  • Translationally-Controlled Tumor Protein
  • Protein, Translationally-Controlled Tumor
  • Translationally Controlled Tumor Protein
  • Tumor Protein, Translationally-Controlled

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