Photoreceptor Connecting Cilium
The bridge between the inner and the outer segments of a retinal rod or a cone photoreceptor cell. Through it, proteins synthesized in the inner segment are transported to the outer segment.
推出的年份: 2009
树号: A08.675.650.850.625.670.049, A08.675.650.915.937.670.049, A08.800.950.937.670.049, A09.371.729.831.625.670.049, A11.671.650.850.625.670.049, A11.671.650.915.937.670.049
MeSH 单一 ID: D055212
Connecting Cilium, Photoreceptor
Connecting Ciliums, Photoreceptor
Photoreceptor Connecting Ciliums
Photoreceptor Connecting Cilia
Connecting Cilia, Photoreceptor
Connecting Cilias, Photoreceptor
Photoreceptor Connecting Cilias
Photoreceptor Cell Connecting Cilium
Connecting Cilium of Photoreceptor
Connecting Cilium of Photoreceptor Cell
Photoreceptor Cells (1978-2008)
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