MeSH 搜索器

Fatty Acid Synthase, Type II

The form of fatty acid synthase complex found in BACTERIA; FUNGI; and PLANTS. Catalytic steps are like the animal form but the protein structure is different with dissociated enzymes encoded by separate genes. It is a target of some ANTI-INFECTIVE AGENTS which result in disruption of the CELL MEMBRANE and CELL WALL.
推出的年份: 2008
树号: D05.500.562.444, D08.811.277.352.897.387.200, D08.811.520.241.300.287.200, D08.811.600.354, D08.811.682.047.820.196.500.200, D08.811.913., D08.811.913.050.170.500.200
MeSH 单一 ID: D054889
  • FAS-II Synthase
  • FAS II Synthase
  • Synthase, FAS-II
  • Fatty Acid Synthase Type II
  • Fatty Acid Synthase, Bacterial, Plant, and Fungi Form
  • Fatty Acid Synthetase Complex, Type II
  • Fatty Acid Synthase II
  • Fatty Acid Synthetase Complex (1971-2007)

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