MeSH 搜索器

Vein of Galen Malformations

Congenital arteriovenous malformation involving the VEIN OF GALEN, a large deep vein at the base of the brain. The rush of arterial blood directly into the vein of Galen, without passing through the CAPILLARIES, can overwhelm the heart and lead to CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE.
推出的年份: 2008
树号: C10.228.140.300.520.500, C10.500.190.500.500, C14.240.850.750.295.500, C14.240.850.875.500.500, C14.907.150.295.500, C14.907.253.560.400.500, C16.131.240.850.750.295.500, C16.131.240.850.875.500.500, C16.131.666.190.500.500
MeSH 单一 ID: D054080
  • Galen Malformations Veins
  • Malformations Vein, Galen
  • Malformations Veins, Galen
  • Vein Of Galen Malformation

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