MeSH 搜索器

Proteinase Inhibitory Proteins, Secretory

Peptides and proteins found in BODILY SECRETIONS and BODY FLUIDS that are PROTEASE INHIBITORS. They play a role in INFLAMMATION, tissue repair and innate immunity (IMMUNITY, INNATE) by inhibiting endogenous proteinases such as those produced by LEUKOCYTES and exogenous proteases such as those produced by invading microorganisms.
推出的年份: 2007(1980)
树号: D12.644.822, D12.776.645
MeSH 单一 ID: D053491
  • Protease Inhibitory Proteins, Secretory
  • Peptidase Inhibitory Proteins, Secretory
  • Proteinase Inhibitory Peptides, Secretory
  • Protease Inhibitory Peptides, Secretory
  • Peptidase Inhibitory Peptides, Secretory
  • Neutrophil Elastase Inhibitors
  • Elastase Inhibitors, Neutrophil
  • Inhibitors, Neutrophil Elastase
  • Neutrophil Elastase Inhibitor
  • Elastase Inhibitor, Neutrophil
  • Inhibitor, Neutrophil Elastase

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