MeSH 搜索器

Soluble N-Ethylmaleimide-Sensitive Factor Attachment Proteins

SNARE binding proteins that facilitate the ATP hydrolysis-driven dissociation of the SNARE complex. They are required for the binding of N-ETHYLMALEIMIDE-SENSITIVE PROTEIN (NSF) to the SNARE complex which also stimulates the ATPASE activity of NSF. They are unrelated structurally to SNAP-25 PROTEIN.
推出的年份: 2006
树号: D12.776.543.990.812
MeSH 单一 ID: D052067
  • Soluble N Ethylmaleimide Sensitive Factor Attachment Proteins
  • Soluble NSF Attachment Proteins
  • Soluble N-Ethylmaleimide-Sensitive Fusion Attachment Protein
  • Soluble N Ethylmaleimide Sensitive Fusion Attachment Protein
  • Soluble NSF Attachment Protein
  • NSF Attachment Protein
  • Attachment Protein, NSF
  • Protein, NSF Attachment
  • Soluble N-Ethylmaleimide-Sensitive Factor Attachment Protein
  • Soluble N Ethylmaleimide Sensitive Factor Attachment Protein
  • gamma-SNAP
  • gamma SNAP
  • alpha-SNAP
  • alpha SNAP
  • beta-SNAP
  • beta SNAP

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