MeSH 搜索器

B7-2 Antigen

A costimulatory ligand glycoprotein that contains a C2 and V-type IMMUNOGLOBULIN DOMAIN. It is expressed by ANTIGEN-PRESENTING CELLS and binds to CD28 ANTIGEN with high specificity and to CTLA-4 ANTIGEN with low specificity. The interaction of CD86 with CD28 ANTIGEN provides a stimulatory signal to T-LYMPHOCYTES, while its interaction with CTLA-4 ANTIGEN may play a role in inducing PERIPHERAL TOLERANCE.
推出的年份: 2018(1993)
树号: D12.776.465.500, D12.776.467.150.200, D12.776.543.095.200, D23.050.301.285.200, D23.529.168.200
MeSH 单一 ID: D051940
  • B7 2 Antigen
  • B70 Costimulatory Molecule
  • Costimulatory Molecule, B70
  • CD86 Antigen
  • Antigen, CD86
  • Antigens, CD86
  • CD86 Antigens
  • Antigen, B7-2
  • Antigen, B7 2
  • B7-2 Costimulatory Molecule
  • Costimulatory Molecule, B7-2
  • Early T Cell Costimulatory Molecule 1

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