MeSH 搜索器

Metabolic Detoxication, Phase I

Functionalization of exogenous substances to prepare them for conjugation in PHASE II DETOXIFICATION. Phase I enzymes include CYTOCHROME P450 enzymes and some OXIDOREDUCTASES. Excess induction of phase I over phase II detoxification leads to higher levels of FREE RADICALS that can induce CANCER and other cell damage. Induction or antagonism of phase I detoxication is the basis of a number of DRUG INTERACTIONS.
推出的年份: 2006
树号: G03.171.450.500, G03.787.225.450.500, G07.690.725.225.450.500
MeSH 单一 ID: D050216
  • Metabolic Detoxication, Oxidative
  • Detoxication, Oxidative Metabolic
  • Detoxications, Oxidative Metabolic
  • Metabolic Detoxications, Oxidative
  • Oxidative Metabolic Detoxication
  • Oxidative Metabolic Detoxications
  • Phase I Detoxification
  • Detoxification, Phase I
  • Detoxifications, Phase I
  • Metabolic Detoxification, Phase I

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