MeSH 搜索器

Genes, Mating Type, Fungal

Fungal genes that mostly encode TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS. In some FUNGI they also encode PHEROMONES and PHEROMONE RECEPTORS. The transcription factors control expression of specific proteins that give a cell its mating identity. Opposite mating type identities are required for mating.
推出的年份: 2006
树号: G05.360.340.024.340.364.500.089, G05.360.340.358.024.500.089, G05.360.340.358.365.500.089
MeSH 单一 ID: D049770
  • Fungal Mating-Type Genes
  • Fungal Mating Type Genes
  • Fungal Mating-Type Gene
  • Gene, Fungal Mating-Type
  • Genes, Fungal Mating-Type
  • Mating-Type Gene, Fungal
  • Mating-Type Genes, Fungal
  • Genes, Fungal Mating Type
  • Mating Type, Fungal
  • Fungal Mating Type
  • Fungal Mating Types
  • Mating Types, Fungal
  • Type, Fungal Mating
  • Types, Fungal Mating
  • Genes, Fungal (1981-2005)

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