Peptide Biosynthesis, Nucleic Acid-Independent
The enzymatic synthesis of PEPTIDES without an RNA template by processes that do not use the ribosomal apparatus (RIBOSOMES).
推出的年份: 2005
树号: G02.111.660.333, G03.734.333
MeSH 单一 ID: D046908
- Peptide Biosynthesis, Nucleic Acid Independent
- Peptide Biosynthesis, Non-Ribosomal
- Non-Ribosomal Peptide Biosynthesis
- Peptide Biosynthesis, Non Ribosomal
- Nonribosomal Peptide Biosynthesis
- Peptide Biosynthesis, Nonribosomal
- Peptide Biosynthesis, Extra-Ribosomal
- Biosynthesis, Extra-Ribosomal Peptide
- Extra-Ribosomal Peptide Biosynthesis
- Peptide Biosynthesis, Extra Ribosomal
- Nucleic Acid-Independent Peptide Biosynthesis
- Nucleic Acid Independent Peptide Biosynthesis
- Extraribosomal Peptide Biosynthesis
- Peptide Biosynthesis, Extraribosomal
- Peptide Biosynthesis, Thiotemplate Mechanism
- Peptide Biosynthesis (1976-2004)
- specific peptide/biosynthesis (1969-2004)
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