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Spectroscopy, Electron Energy-Loss

A technique for analysis of the chemical composition of molecules. A substance is bombarded with monochromatic ELECTRONS. Some of the electrons passing through the specimen will lose energy when they ionize inner shell electrons of the atoms in the specimen. The energy loss is element dependent. Analysis of the energy loss spectrum reveals the elemental composition of a specimen. ENERGY-FILTERED TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY is a type of electron energy loss spectroscopy carried out in electron microscopes specially outfitted to analyze the spectrum of electron energy loss.
推出的年份: 2005
树号: E05.196.867.838
MeSH 单一 ID: D046590
  • Energy-Loss Spectroscopy, Electron
  • Spectroscopy, Electron Energy Loss
  • Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy
  • Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy

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