MeSH 搜索器

Protoporphyria, Erythropoietic

An autosomal dominant porphyria that is due to a deficiency of FERROCHELATASE (heme synthetase) in both the LIVER and the BONE MARROW, the last enzyme in the 8-enzyme biosynthetic pathway of HEME. Clinical features include mainly neurological symptoms, rarely cutaneous lesions, and elevated levels of protoporphyrin and COPROPORPHYRINS in the feces.
推出的年份: 2005
树号: C06.552.830.812, C16.320.850.742.812, C17.800.827.742.812, C18.452.811.400.812
MeSH 单一 ID: D046351
  • Erythropoietic Protoporphyrias
  • Protoporphyrias, Erythropoietic
  • Erythrohepatic Protoporphyria
  • Erythropoietic Protoporphyria
  • Ferrochelatase Deficiency
  • Deficiencies, Ferrochelatase
  • Deficiency, Ferrochelatase
  • Ferrochelatase Deficiencies
  • Heme Synthetase Deficiency
  • Deficiencies, Heme Synthetase
  • Deficiency, Heme Synthetase
  • Heme Synthetase Deficiencies
  • Synthetase Deficiencies, Heme
  • Synthetase Deficiency, Heme
  • Porphyria (1965-2004)
  • Porphyria, Erythrohepatic (1993-2004)

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