MeSH 搜索器

Ubiquitin-Protein Ligase Complexes

Complexes of enzymes that catalyze the covalent attachment of UBIQUITIN to other proteins by forming a peptide bond between the C-terminal GLYCINE of UBIQUITIN and the alpha-amino groups of LYSINE residues in the protein. The complexes play an important role in mediating the selective-degradation of short-lived and abnormal proteins. The complex of enzymes can be broken down into three components that involve activation of ubiquitin (UBIQUITIN-ACTIVATING ENZYMES), conjugation of ubiquitin to the ligase complex (UBIQUITIN-CONJUGATING ENZYMES), and ligation of ubiquitin to the substrate protein (UBIQUITIN-PROTEIN LIGASES).
推出的年份: 2004
树号: D08.811.464.938
MeSH 单一 ID: D043743
  • Complexes, Ubiquitin-Protein Ligase
  • Ligase Complexes, Ubiquitin-Protein
  • Ubiquitin Protein Ligase Complexes
  • Ligases (1983-2003)

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