MeSH 搜索器

BALB 3T3 Cells

Cell lines developed from disaggregated BALB/c mouse embryos. They are extremely sensitive to CONTACT INHIBITION, and highly susceptible to transformation by SV40 VIRUS and murine sarcoma virus (SARCOMA VIRUSES, MURINE).
推出的年份: 2004
树号: A11., A11.329.228.100.080
MeSH 单一 ID: D041702
  • 3T3 Cell, BALB
  • BALB 3T3 Cell
  • Cell, BALB 3T3
  • Cells, BALB 3T3
  • BALB-3T3 Cells
  • BALB-3T3 Cell
  • Cell, BALB-3T3
  • Cells, BALB-3T3
  • BALB-c 3T3 Cells
  • 3T3 Cell, BALB-c
  • 3T3 Cells, BALB-c
  • BALB c 3T3 Cells
  • BALB-c 3T3 Cell
  • Cell, BALB-c 3T3
  • Cells, BALB-c 3T3
  • 3T3 Cells, BALB
  • BALB 3T3 clone A31
  • 3T3 Cells (1991-2003)
  • Cell Line (1969-1991)

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