Denys-Drash Syndrome
A disorder of sex development characterized by UROGENITAL ABNORMALITIES; GONADAL DYSGENESIS; and WILMS TUMOR. It is caused by a mutation in the Wilms tumor suppressor gene (GENES, WILMS TUMOR) on chromosome 11.
推出的年份: 2002
树号: C04.557.435.595.220, C04.588.945.947.535.585.220, C04.700.900.220, C12.050.351.875.253.096.562, C12.050.351.937.820.535.585.220, C12.050.351.968.419.473.585.220, C12.200.706.316.096.562, C12.200.758.820.750.585.220, C12.200.777.419.473.585.220, C12.800.316.096.562, C12.900.820.535.585.220, C12.950.419.473.585.220, C12.950.983.535.585.220, C16.131.939.316.096.562, C16.320.700.900.220, C19.391.119.096.562
MeSH 单一 ID: D030321
Denys Drash Syndrome
Syndrome, Denys-Drash
Pseudohermaphroditism, Nephron Disorder and Wilms' Tumor
Nephropathy, Wilms Tumor, and Genital Anomalies
Drash Syndrome
Syndrome, Drash
Wilms Tumor and Pseudohermaphroditism
Nephroblastoma (1991-2001)
Pseudohermaphroditism (1991-2001)
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