MeSH 搜索器

Withholding Treatment

Withholding or withdrawal of a particular treatment or treatments, often (but not necessarily) life-prolonging treatment, from a patient or from a research subject as part of a research protocol. The concept is differentiated from REFUSAL TO TREAT, where the emphasis is on the health professional's or health facility's refusal to treat a patient or group of patients when the patient or the patient's representative requests treatment. Withholding of life-prolonging treatment is usually indexed only with EUTHANASIA, PASSIVE, unless the distinction between withholding and withdrawing treatment, or the issue of withholding palliative rather than curative treatment, is discussed.
推出的年份: 2002
树号: E02.760.952, N02.421.585.952
MeSH 单一 ID: D028761
  • Treatment, Withholding
  • Treatments, Withholding
  • Withholding Treatments
  • Cessation of Treatment
  • Treatment Cessation
  • Treatment Cessations
  • Withdrawing Treatment
  • Treatment, Withdrawing
  • Treatments, Withdrawing
  • Withdrawing Treatments
  • Withdrawing Care
  • Care, Withdrawing

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