Body Integrity Identity Disorder
Condition in which individuals desire the amputation of one or more healthy limbs or who desire a paralysis.
推出的年份: 2020
树号: F03.875.225
MeSH 单一 ID: D000081042
- Xenomelia
- Xenomelias
- Apotemnophilia
- Apotemnophilias
- Amputee Identity Disorder
- Amputee Identity Disorders
- Disorders, Amputee Identity
- Foreign Limb Syndrome
- Foreign Limb Syndromes
- Limb Syndrome, Foreign
- Limb Syndromes, Foreign
- Body Integrity Disorder
- Body Integrity Disorders
- Disorder, Body Integrity
- Disorders, Body Integrity
- Integrity Disorder, Body
- Integrity Disorders, Body
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