MeSH 搜索器

RNA, Small Nucleolar

Small nuclear RNAs that are involved in the processing of pre-ribosomal RNA in the nucleolus. Box C/D containing snoRNAs (U14, U15, U16, U20, U21 and U24-U63) direct site-specific methylation of various ribose moieties. Box H/ACA containing snoRNAs (E2, E3, U19, U23, and U64-U72) direct the conversion of specific uridines to pseudouridine. Site-specific cleavages resulting in the mature ribosomal RNAs are directed by snoRNAs U3, U8, U14, U22 and the snoRNA components of RNase MRP and RNase P.
推出的年份: 2000
树号: D13.444.735.628.818.800, D13.444.735.790.552.937.800
MeSH 单一 ID: D020537
  • Small Nucleolar RNA
  • snoRNA
  • Cell Nucleolus (1975-1999)
  • RNA (1975-1985)
  • RNA, Small Nuclear (1986-1999)

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