MeSH 搜索器

Paraneoplastic Polyneuropathy

A diffuse or multifocal peripheral neuropathy related to the remote effects of a neoplasm, most often carcinoma or lymphoma. Pathologically, there are inflammatory changes in peripheral nerves. The most common clinical presentation is a symmetric distal mixed sensorimotor polyneuropathy. (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p1334)
推出的年份: 2000
树号: C04.588.614.550.700, C04.730.856.700, C10.574.781.850, C10.668.829.800.662
MeSH 单一 ID: D020364
  • Paraneoplastic Polyneuropathies
  • Polyneuropathies, Paraneoplastic
  • Paraneoplastic Neuropathy
  • Polyneuropathy, Paraneoplastic
  • Neuropathy, Paraneoplastic
  • Neuropathies, Paraneoplastic
  • Paraneoplastic Neuropathies
  • Paraneoplastic Peripheral Neuropathy
  • Neuropathies, Paraneoplastic Peripheral
  • Neuropathy, Paraneoplastic Peripheral
  • Paraneoplastic Peripheral Neuropathies
  • Peripheral Neuropathies, Paraneoplastic
  • Peripheral Neuropathy, Paraneoplastic
  • Neoplasms/complications (1967-1999)
  • Paraneoplastic Syndromes (1980-1999)
  • Peripheral Nervous System Diseases/etiology (1968-1999)

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