MeSH 搜索器

Emotional Regulation

The manifestation of an emotional response by which individuals influence the intensity, duration, valence, or manifestation of their response. Emotion regulation either precedes (avoidance, interpretation) or follows an emotion (suppression, reappraisal). Emotion regulation is distinct from coping (focuses primarily on decreasing a negative emotional experience), and can include increasing or decreasing both positive and negative emotions consciously or unconsciously.
推出的年份: 2020
树号: F01.145.813.595.500, F01.470.311
MeSH 单一 ID: D000080103
  • Emotional Regulations
  • Regulation, Emotional
  • Regulations, Emotional
  • Emotion Self-Regulation
  • Emotion Self Regulation
  • Emotion Self-Regulations
  • Self-Regulation, Emotion
  • Self-Regulations, Emotion
  • Emotional Self-Regulation
  • Emotional Self Regulation
  • Emotional Self-Regulations
  • Self-Regulation, Emotional
  • Self-Regulations, Emotional
  • Emotion Regulation
  • Regulation, Emotion
  • Emotions (1994-2019)

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