Th2 Cells
A subset of helper-inducer T-lymphocytes which synthesize and secrete the INTERLEUKINS IL-4; IL-5; IL-6; and IL-10. These cytokines influence B-cell development and antibody production as well as augmenting humoral responses.
推出的年份: 1995
树号: A11.118.637.555.567.550.500.400.905, A11.118.637.555.567.569.200.400.905, A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.400.905, A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.400.750, A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.200.400.750, A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500.400.750, A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.400.905, A15.382.490.555.567.569.200.400.905, A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.400.905
MeSH 单一 ID: D018418
Th2 Cell
Cell, Th2
Cells, Th2
T Helper2 Cell
Cell, T Helper2
Cells, T Helper2
TH-2 Cell
Cell, TH-2
Cells, TH-2
TH 2 Cell
TH-2 Cells
TH 2 Cells
T Helper2 Cells
T Helper 2 Cells
Type-2 Helper T Cells
Type 2 Helper T Cells
T Helper 2 Cell
Type-2 Helper T Cell
Type 2 Helper T Cell
T-Lymphocyte Subsets (1989-1994)
T-Lymphocytes (1980-1981)
T-Lymphocytes, Helper-Inducer (1985-1994)
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