MeSH 搜索器

Receptors, Pituitary Hormone-Regulating Hormone

Cell surface receptors that bind the hypothalamic hormones regulating pituitary cell differentiation, proliferation, and hormone synthesis and release, including the pituitary-releasing and release-inhibiting hormones. The pituitary hormone-regulating hormones are also released by cells other than hypothalamic neurons, and their receptors also occur on non-pituitary cells, especially brain neurons, where their role is less well understood. Receptors for dopamine, which is a prolactin release-inhibiting hormone as well as a common neurotransmitter, are not included here.
推出的年份: 1994
树号: D12.776.543.750.750.700
MeSH 单一 ID: D018017
  • Receptors, Pituitary Hormone Regulating Hormone
  • Pituitary Hormone-Regulating Hormone Receptors
  • Pituitary Hormone Regulating Hormone Receptors
  • Receptors, Pituitary Hormone Release Inhibiting Hormones
  • Receptors, Hypothalamic Releasing Hormones
  • Hypothalamic Releasing Hormone Receptors
  • Receptors, Hypothalamic Release-Inhibiting Hormones
  • Receptors, Hypothalamic Release Inhibiting Hormones
  • Hypothalamic Release-Inhibiting Hormone Receptors
  • Hypothalamic Release Inhibiting Hormone Receptors
  • Receptors, Pituitary Hormone-Releasing Hormone
  • Receptors, Pituitary Hormone Releasing Hormone
  • Pituitary Hormone-Releasing Hormone Receptors
  • Pituitary Hormone Releasing Hormone Receptors

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