MeSH 搜索器

Hidradenitis Suppurativa

A chronic suppurative and cicatricial disease of the apocrine glands occurring chiefly in the axillae in women and in the groin and anal regions in men. It is characterized by poral occlusion with secondary bacterial infection, evolving into abscesses which eventually rupture. As the disease becomes chronic, ulcers appear, sinus tracts enlarge, fistulas develop, and fibrosis and scarring become evident.
推出的年份: 1993
树号: C01.150.252.819.420, C01.800.720.420, C01.830.499, C17.800.838.765.420, C17.800.946.315.320
MeSH 单一 ID: D017497
  • Suppurative Hidradenitis
  • Hidradenitis, Suppurative
  • Suppurative Hidradenitides
  • Acne Inversa
  • Acne Inversas
  • Inversa, Acne
  • Inversas, Acne
  • Hidradenitides, Suppurative
  • Hidradenitis (1992)
  • Sweat Gland Diseases (1976-1991)
  • Sweat Glands (1966-1975)

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