MeSH 搜索器

Liver Failure, Acute

A form of rapid-onset LIVER FAILURE, also known as fulminant hepatic failure, caused by severe liver injury or massive loss of HEPATOCYTES. It is characterized by sudden development of liver dysfunction and JAUNDICE. Acute liver failure may progress to exhibit cerebral dysfunction even HEPATIC COMA depending on the etiology that includes hepatic ISCHEMIA, drug toxicity, malignant infiltration, and viral hepatitis such as post-transfusion HEPATITIS B and HEPATITIS C.
推出的年份: 1993
树号: C06.552.308.500.750
MeSH 单一 ID: D017114
  • Failure, Acute Liver
  • Fulminant Hepatic Failure
  • Fulminant Hepatic Failures
  • Fulminating Hepatic Failure
  • Fulminating Hepatic Failures
  • Hepatic Failure, Fulminating
  • Fulminating Liver Failure
  • Fulminating Liver Failures
  • Liver Failure, Fulminating
  • Acute Liver Failure
  • Liver Failure, Fulminant
  • Fulminant Liver Failure
  • Fulminant Liver Failures
  • Hepatic Failure, Acute
  • Acute Hepatic Failure
  • Failure, Acute Hepatic
  • Hepatic Failure, Fulminant
  • Hepatic Encephalopathy (1967-1992)
  • Hepatitis, Toxic (1969-1992)
  • Liver Diseases (1966-1992)

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