MeSH 搜索器

Neurofilament Proteins

Type III intermediate filament proteins that assemble into neurofilaments, the major cytoskeletal element in nerve axons and dendrites. They consist of three distinct polypeptides, the neurofilament triplet. Types I, II, and IV intermediate filament proteins form other cytoskeletal elements such as keratins and lamins. It appears that the metabolism of neurofilaments is disturbed in Alzheimer's disease, as indicated by the presence of neurofilament epitopes in the neurofibrillary tangles, as well as by the severe reduction of the expression of the gene for the light neurofilament subunit of the neurofilament triplet in brains of Alzheimer's patients. (Can J Neurol Sci 1990 Aug;17(3):302)
推出的年份: 1992
树号: D05.750.078.593.630, D12.776.220.475.630, D12.776.631.630
MeSH 单一 ID: D016900
  • Proteins, Neurofilament
  • Neurofilament Protein
  • Protein, Neurofilament
  • Neurofilament Triplet Proteins
  • Proteins, Neurofilament Triplet
  • Triplet Proteins, Neurofilament
  • Heavy Neurofilament Protein
  • Neurofilament Protein, Heavy
  • Protein, Heavy Neurofilament
  • Intermediate Filament Proteins (1982-1991)
  • Nerve Tissue Proteins (1970-1982)

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