Gastric Artery
Any of several branches of the SPLENIC ARTERY distributed to the greater curvature of the stomach.
推出的年份: 2019
树号: A07.015.114.365
MeSH 单一 ID: D000077426
- Arteries, Gastric
- Artery, Gastric
- Gastric Arteries
- Left Gastric Artery
- Arteries, Left Gastric
- Artery, Left Gastric
- Gastric Arteries, Left
- Gastric Artery, Left
- Left Gastric Arteries
- Right Gastric Artery
- Arteries, Right Gastric
- Artery, Right Gastric
- Gastric Arteries, Right
- Gastric Artery, Right
- Right Gastric Arteries
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