MeSH 搜索器

Work of Breathing

RESPIRATORY MUSCLE contraction during INHALATION. The work is accomplished in three phases: LUNG COMPLIANCE work, that required to expand the LUNGS against its elastic forces; tissue resistance work, that required to overcome the viscosity of the lung and chest wall structures; and AIRWAY RESISTANCE work, that required to overcome airway resistance during the movement of air into the lungs. Work of breathing does not refer to expiration, which is entirely a passive process caused by elastic recoil of the lung and chest cage. (Guyton, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 8th ed, p406)
推出的年份: 1972(1971)
树号: E01.370.386.700.975, G09.772.965
MeSH 单一 ID: D014939
  • Breathing Work
  • Breathing Works
  • Respiration (1966-1970)

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