A list, criteria, or screening tool designed to improve PATIENT SAFETY by determining an individual's exposure to potentially inappropriate drugs. They are designed to prevent MEDICATION ERRORS by INAPPROPRIATE PRESCRIBING. Analysis for a list includes factors such as DOSE-RESPONSE RELATIONSHIP, DRUG; DRUG-RELATED SIDE EFFECTS AND ADVERSE REACTIONS; AGE FACTORS; GENDER; and existing medical conditions.
推出的年份: 2016
树号: N04.761.700.615, N05.700.594
MeSH 单一 ID: D000067561
PIM List
PIM Lists
Potentially Inappropriate Medications
Inappropriate Medication, Potentially
Inappropriate Medications, Potentially
Medication, Potentially Inappropriate
Medications, Potentially Inappropriate
Potentially Inappropriate Medication
Beers Criteria
Beers Potentially Inappropriate Medications
de Beers Criteria
Beers Criteria, de
STOPP (Screening Tool of Older Person's Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions)
STOPPs (Screening Tool of Older Person's Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions)
Screening Tool of Older Person's Potentially Inappropriate Prescriptions
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