MeSH 搜索器

Vecuronium Bromide

Monoquaternary homolog of PANCURONIUM. A non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent with shorter duration of action than pancuronium. Its lack of significant cardiovascular effects and lack of dependence on good kidney function for elimination as well as its short duration of action and easy reversibility provide advantages over, or alternatives to, other established neuromuscular blocking agents.
推出的年份: 1995
树号: D04.210.500.054.040.920
MeSH 单一 ID: D014673
  • Bromide, Vecuronium
  • Vecuronium Hydrobromide
  • Hydrobromide, Vecuronium
  • Norcuron
  • Vecuronium
  • Vecuronium Phosphate
  • Phosphate, Vecuronium
  • Vecuronium Citrate
  • Citrate, Vecuronium
  • Vecuronium Hydrochloride
  • Hydrochloride, Vecuronium
  • Vecuronium Maleate
  • Maleate, Vecuronium
  • NC-45
  • NC 45
  • NC45
  • ORG-NC45
  • ORG NC45
  • ORG-NC 45
  • ORG NC 45
  • ORGNC 45
  • ORG-NC-45
  • ORGNC45
  • Vecuronium Bromide, Quaternary Ion
  • Androstanes (1968-1971)
  • Pancuronium/analogs & derivatives (1972-1986)

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