Tooth, Deciduous
The teeth of the first dentition, which are shed and replaced by the permanent teeth.
推出的年份: 1965
树号: A14.549.167.860.700
MeSH 单一 ID: D014094
- Deciduous Tooth
- Dentition, Deciduous
- Deciduous Dentition
- Deciduous Dentitions
- Dentitions, Deciduous
- Dentition, Primary
- Dentitions, Primary
- Primary Dentition
- Primary Dentitions
- Milk Tooth
- Tooth, Milk
- Primary Teeth
- Teeth, Deciduous
- Deciduous Teeth
- Teeth, Primary
- Tooth, Primary
- Milk Teeth
- Teeth, Milk
- Baby Teeth
- Teeth, Baby
- Baby Tooth
- Tooth, Baby
- Primary Tooth
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