Tooth Movement Techniques
Orthodontic techniques used to correct the malposition of a tooth or teeth.
推出的年份: 2017(1973)
树号: E06.658.578.836
MeSH 单一 ID: D014087
- Movement Technique, Tooth
- Movement Techniques, Tooth
- Technique, Tooth Movement
- Techniques, Tooth Movement
- Tooth Movement Technique
- Orthodontic Tooth Movement
- Movement, Orthodontic Tooth
- Movements, Orthodontic Tooth
- Orthodontic Tooth Movements
- Tooth Movement, Orthodontic
- Tooth Movements, Orthodontic
- Tooth Uprighting
- Tooth Uprightings
- Uprighting, Tooth
- Uprightings, Tooth
- Tooth Movement, Minor
- Minor Tooth Movement
- Minor Tooth Movements
- Tooth Movements, Minor
- Tooth Intrusion
- Intrusion, Tooth
- Intrusions, Tooth
- Tooth Intrusions
- Tooth Depression
- Depression, Tooth
- Depressions, Tooth
- Tooth Depressions
- Orthodontics, Corrective (1966-1972)
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