MeSH 搜索器

Space Maintenance, Orthodontic

Common treatment method used in pediatric dentistry that involves the use of fixed or removable space maintainers in order to keep the space left by a baby tooth safe in the event it is lost early. Space maintainers also help permanent teeth to grow safely.
推出的年份: 1972(1965)
树号: E06.658.703.675
MeSH 单一 ID: D013027
  • Maintenance, Orthodontic Space
  • Maintenances, Orthodontic Space
  • Orthodontic Space Maintenance
  • Orthodontic Space Maintenances
  • Space Maintenances, Orthodontic
  • Space Maintenance
  • Maintenance, Space
  • Maintenances, Space
  • Space Maintenances

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