MeSH 搜索器

Radioisotope Dilution Technique

Method for assessing flow through a system by injection of a known quantity of radionuclide into the system and monitoring its concentration over time at a specific point in the system. (From Dorland, 28th ed)
推出的年份: 1991(1964)
树号: E01.370.384.710, E05.484.650
MeSH 单一 ID: D011865
  • Dilution Technique, Radioisotope
  • Dilution Techniques, Radioisotope
  • Radioisotope Dilution Techniques
  • Technique, Radioisotope Dilution
  • Techniques, Radioisotope Dilution
  • Radioisotope Dilution Technic
  • Dilution Technic, Radioisotope
  • Dilution Technics, Radioisotope
  • Radioisotope Dilution Technics
  • Technic, Radioisotope Dilution
  • Technics, Radioisotope Dilution

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