Prospective Payment System
A system wherein reimbursement rates are set, for a given period of time, prior to the circumstances giving rise to actual reimbursement claims.
推出的年份: 1987(1986)
树号: N03.219.521.710.305.200
MeSH 单一 ID: D011445
- Payment System, Prospective
- Payment Systems, Prospective
- Prospective Payment Systems
- System, Prospective Payment
- Systems, Prospective Payment
- Reimbursement, Prospective
- Prospective Reimbursement
- Prospective Reimbursements
- Reimbursements, Prospective
- Discretionary Adjustment Factor
- Adjustment Factor, Discretionary
- Adjustment Factors, Discretionary
- Discretionary Adjustment Factors
- Factor, Discretionary Adjustment
- Factors, Discretionary Adjustment
- Prospective Pricing
- Pricing, Prospective
- Adjustment, Discretionary
- Adjustments, Discretionary
- Discretionary Adjustment
- Discretionary Adjustments
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