Patients' Rooms
Rooms occupied by one or more individuals during a stay in a health facility. The concept includes aspects of environment, design, care, or economics.
推出的年份: 1991(1980)
树号: N02.278.220.640
MeSH 单一 ID: D010362
- Patient's Rooms
- Patients Rooms
- Patients' Room
- Room, Patients'
- Rooms, Patients'
- Rooms, Patient
- Patient Room
- Patient Rooms
- Room, Patient
- Wards, General
- General Ward
- General Wards
- Ward, General
- Private Rooms
- Private Room
- Room, Private
- Rooms, Private
- Semi-Private Rooms
- Room, Semi-Private
- Rooms, Semi-Private
- Semi Private Rooms
- Semi-Private Room
- Hospital Units (1974-1979)
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