Otorhinolaryngologic Neoplasms
A general concept for tumors or cancer of any part of the EAR; the NOSE; the THROAT; and the PHARYNX. It is used when there is no specific heading.
推出的年份: 1984
树号: C04.588.443.665, C09.647
MeSH 单一 ID: D010039
- Neoplasm, Otorhinolaryngologic
- Otorhinolaryngologic Neoplasm
- Ootorhinolaryngeal Neoplasms
- Neoplasm, Ootorhinolaryngeal
- Neoplasms, Ootorhinolaryngeal
- Ootorhinolaryngeal Neoplasm
- Neoplasms, Otorhinolaryngological
- Neoplasm, Otorhinolaryngological
- Otorhinolaryngological Neoplasm
- Otorhinolaryngological Neoplasms
- Neoplasms, Otorhinolaryngologic
- Otorhinolaryngeal Cancer
- Cancer, Otorhinolaryngeal
- Cancers, Otorhinolaryngeal
- Otorhinolaryngeal Cancers
- Neoplasms (1966-1983)
- Otorhinolaryngological Diseases (1966-1983)
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