Object Attachment
Emotional attachment to someone or something in the environment.
推出的年份: 1969
树号: F02.739.794.624
MeSH 单一 ID: D009769
- Attachment, Object
- Attachments, Object
- Object Attachments
- Bonding, Psychological
- Psychological Bonding
- Bonding (Psychology)
- Bondings (Psychology)
- Object Relationship
- Object Relationships
- Relationship, Object
- Relationships, Object
- Symbiotic Relations (Psychology)
- Relation, Symbiotic (Psychology)
- Relations, Symbiotic (Psychology)
- Symbiotic Relation (Psychology)
- Emotional Bonds
- Bond, Emotional
- Emotional Bond
- Bonds, Emotional
- Object Relations
- Object Relation
- Relation, Object
- Relations, Object
- Parent-Child Relations (1966-1968)
- Psychoanalytic Theory (1966-1968)
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