Mobile Health Units
Movable or portable facilities in which diagnostic and therapeutic services are provided to the community.
推出的年份: 1970
树号: N02.278.421.702, N02.421.726.233.628
MeSH 单一 ID: D008952
- Health Unit, Mobile
- Health Units, Mobile
- Mobile Health Unit
- Unit, Mobile Health
- Units, Mobile Health
- Mobile Clinics
- Clinic, Mobile
- Clinics, Mobile
- Mobile Clinic
- Mobile Health Vans
- Health Van, Mobile
- Health Vans, Mobile
- Mobile Health Van
- Van, Mobile Health
- Vans, Mobile Health
- Field Hospitals
- Field Hospital
- Hospital, Field
- Hospitals, Field
- Mobile Hospitals
- Hospital, Mobile
- Hospitals, Mobile
- Mobile Hospital
- Health Facilities (1968-1969)
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