Medication Errors
Errors in prescribing, dispensing, or administering medication with the result that the patient fails to receive the correct drug or the indicated proper drug dosage.
推出的年份: 1967(1966)
树号: E02.319.529, N02.421.450.500
MeSH 单一 ID: D008508
Errors, Medication
Error, Medication
Medication Error
Look-Alike Sound-Alike Drug Substitution Errors
Look Alike Sound Alike Drug Substitution Errors
Lookalike Soundalike Drug Errors
Look-Alike Sound-Alike Medication Errors
Look Alike Sound Alike Medication Errors
Lookalike Soundalike Medication Errors
LASA Medication Errors
Error, LASA Medication
LASA Medication Error
Medication Error, LASA
Medication Errors, LASA
Look-Alike Sound-Alike Drug Errors
Look Alike Sound Alike Drug Errors
Lookalike Soundalike Drug Substitution Errors
Look-Alike Drug Name Errors
Look Alike Drug Name Errors
Lookalike Drug Name Errors
High-Alert Medication Error
High Alert Medication Error
High-Alert Medication Errors
Medication Error, High-Alert
Medication Errors, High-Alert
High-Alert Drug Error
Drug Error, High-Alert
High Alert Drug Error
High-Alert Drug Errors
Drug Use Error
Drug Use Errors
Error, Drug Use
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