Comparative Study of Cerebral Venous Thrombosis-risk factors, clinical course and outcome in Subjects with and without Covid-19 infection

Cerebrovascular Diseases Extra

Stroke Spectrum

Open Access Gateway Hameed S. · Hamza A. · Taimuri B. · Khan M. · Mehndiratta M.M · Wasay M.

Background/ Objective: Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) has been increasingly reported in patients with COVID-19. Most published literature is descriptive and focuses only on CVT in COVID-19 patients. The objective of our study is to compare CVT patients’ characteristics with and without an associated COVID-19 infection. Materials and Methods: This is a retrospective cross-sectional study. All adult patients with a confirmed diagnosis of CVT admitted to our hospital over a period of 30 months, from January 2019 to June 2021, were included. They were further divided into two groups, with and without COVID-19 infection. Results: A total of 115 CVT patients were included, 93 in non-COVID CVT and 22 in COVID CVT group. COVID-CVT patients were male predominant and of older age, with longer hospital stay, and higher inpatient mortality. COVID CVT patients presented with a higher frequency of headache (82% vs. 63%), seizures (64% vs. 37%, p=0.03), hemiparesis (41% vs. 24%), and visual changes (36% vs. 19%) as compared to non-COVID CVT patients. Venogram showed a higher frequency of superior sagittal sinus (64% vs. 42%) and internal jugular vein (23% vs. 12%) involvement in the COVID CVT cohort. More than 90% of patients in both groups received therapeutic anticoagulation. Mortality rates were higher in COVID CVT group (18% vs. 11%). Conclusion: COVID-CVT patients were male predominant and of older age, with higher hospital stay, and higher inpatient mortality as compared to non-covid CVT patients.

The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG, Basel

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