Frequency of and Factors Associated with the Presence of a History of Probable Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in a Population of Patients with Sex Addiction

European Addiction Research

Schreck B.a,b· Forcier C.a· Balem M.a,b· Cabelguen C.a· leboucher J.a· Grall-Bronnec M.a,b· Challet-Bouju G.a,b

Author affiliations

aNantes Université, CHU Nantes, UIC Psychiatrie et Santé Mentale, Nantes, France
bNantes Université, Univ Tours, CHU Nantes, INSERM, MethodS in Patient-centered outcomes and HEalth ResEarch, SPHERE, Nantes, France

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Article / Publication Details

Received: August 12, 2022
Accepted: March 06, 2023
Published online: April 21, 2023

Number of Print Pages: 10
Number of Figures: 1
Number of Tables: 2

ISSN: 1022-6877 (Print)
eISSN: 1421-9891 (Online)

For additional information:


Introduction: Since the first description of sex addiction (SA) by Carnes, research on this problematic behaviour has continued to grow, and the association with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) appears to be frequent. This study aimed to estimate the frequency of a history of probable ADHD in a population of patients with SA and to explore the factors associated with it. Methods: One hundred 85 patients referred to the Nantes University Hospital for SA between 2011 and 2020 were included. Patients completed the Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST) or its revised version (SAST-R) to establish the presence of SA. As the SAST-R was not validated in French, we conducted a validation study for the French version. ADHD was screened using the Wender-Utah Rating Scale in childhood and the Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale in adulthood. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to identify factors associated with the presence of a history of probable ADHD. Results: Childhood ADHD was identified in 36% of patients with SA. Factors associated with the presence of a history of probable ADHD were a low education level, an earlier age of onset of problematic sexual behaviour, another addictive disorder, an anxiety disorder, impulsivity (high negative urgency score), and high scores on harm avoidance and novelty-seeking temperament scales. Furthermore, the French version of the SAST-R displayed good psychometric properties, especially excellent sensitivity. Conclusion: The frequency of a history of probable ADHD among patients with SA is consistent with the literature and close to the highest range. Specific personality traits in patients with both SA and a history of probable ADHD could induce lasting problems of adaptation, which may precipitate the development of SA or maintain it.

© 2023 S. Karger AG, Basel

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Received: August 12, 2022
Accepted: March 06, 2023
Published online: April 21, 2023

Number of Print Pages: 10
Number of Figures: 1
Number of Tables: 2

ISSN: 1022-6877 (Print)
eISSN: 1421-9891 (Online)

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