where he and ho are the hues of pixels paired with the resulting and the original images, respectively. Similarly, Ce* and Co* represent chromas. · denotes the absolute value. Furthermore, the difference ΔC*=Ce*−Co* is calculated to verify the degree of image enhancement. Table 1 lists the averages and standard deviations of ||Δh*|| and ΔC*. We can see that the averages of ||Δh*|| in all resulting images by the proposed method are smaller than those of the comparison methods, and the hue is almost preserved. Furthermore, the averages of ΔC* indicate that the proposed method can improve the chroma compared to the comparison methods.SSIM [23] is measured as the image quality metric for objectively evaluating the performance of the proposed method. When SSIM is closer to 1, the enhanced image is structurally similar to the original image. Table 2 shows SSIMs between the original images and the resulting images with respect to Figure 6. This value is the average of SSIM calculated for each RGB component. From Table 2, we see that the proposed method gives better results compared to the comparison methods.Figure 7 shows the scatter plots of the hue and chroma corresponding to Figure 6. The chroma is enhanced within a limited range of hues by the proposed method. However, due to the relationship between the RGB color space and the CIELAB color space, the range of possible values for C* varies depending on L*. Therefore, there are areas where C* does not increase uniformly.Furthermore, Scheffe’s paired comparison test [24,25] was conducted as a subjective evaluation of the resulting images in Figure 6. Randomly selected images were placed left and right, and the two images were evaluated by six examinees (average age: 20.5 years, 4 females and 2 males) about which image is preferable as a food image. The examinees evaluated the two images by selecting one of [−2,−1,0,1,2], where the higher values indicate that the right image is preferable to the left image. The yardstick method was used to obtain the evaluation value of each image. Table 3 shows the evaluation values by Scheffe’s paired comparison test. A higher value indicates a higher evaluation of the image. From Table 3, we see that the proposed method is superior to the comparison methods except in the case of image 4.
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